GGS BONUS: What We Do In the Shadows
We’ve got a special bonus episode for you! We all finished watching “What We Do In the Shadows” (Hulu). So, we’re chatting about seasons 3 and 4.
GGS 11.48: 7 Deadly Sins: Pride
We are finishing off our 7 Deadly Sins theme with one hell of a movie: “The Devil’s Advocate.” For us, this movie represents pride. For Al Pacino’s John Milton/The Devil, it’s vanity. Cort looked it up, and, technically, vanity is an excess of pride. So, we’re cool.
GGS 11.47 That’s My Jam
What is your favorite movie soundtrack or score? That’s what we’re chatting about this week. Guess what. We didn’t pick a single thing you might expect.
GGS 11.46 What’s Your Sign?
What’s your sign? And what movie represents your sign? That’s what we’re discussing this week. Turns out there’s a movie genre for each sign of the zodiac. Who knew?!
GGS 11.45 One & Done 9: Heathers
You’ve seen the movie. But have you watched the now-canceled series? For this month’s One-and-Done, we’re chatting about “Heathers”—the trying-a-bit-too-hard series that’s based-on, riffed-off-of, an homage-to the Winona Ryder/Christian Slater film from 1988.
GGS 11.44 7 Deadly Sins: Sloth
We are on the penultimate sin of our 7 Deadly Sins theme. (Are there really only seven? Seems like there should be more.) This time we’re talking about sloth with the Pixar movie “Wall-E.” Yes, it works, in a twisty sort of way.
GGS 11.43 Hot Vampire Summer Part 3: What We Do in the Shadows
What do YOU do in the shadows? That’s what we’re discussing this week for part 3 of Hot Vampire Summer: “What We Do in the Shadows” (Hulu). In this fabulous mockumentary series, created by Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi, we follow four vampires who live together with their familiar. Three of the vampires are the “proper” blood-sucking kind, while the fourth is of the energy-sucking kind.
GGS 11.42 Island Soupnado
Months ago, we read a post by Eric Eidelstein on Twitter in which he challenged followers to pick one movie that “encompasses everything there is to know about you—your values, your fantasies, and your fears.” Well, challenge accepted!
GGS 11.41 Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath!
Bob Odenkirk: Action hero? You bet your butt! And, boy, is he full of wrath, which just happens to be our topic here this week with our 7 Deadly Sins theme. We’re chatting about the 2021 film “Nobody.”
GGS 11.40 One & Done 8: Firefly
This week, the Geek Girls (and Chris) take a ride with Captain Tightpants and the crew of the Serenity for an extra special One and Done episode. That’s right. This week we marathoned all fourteen episodes of prematurely canceled Fox series, “Firefly” and the follow-up movie, “Serenity”.
GGS 11.39 Hot Vampire Summer 2: Bon Temps Boogaloo
This week at Geek Girl Soup, it’s back to more hot vampires with… “The Northman”! What, you say? That’s not a vampire flick! Well, it all depends on how you look at it. Just ask Alexander Skarsgard (aka “True Blood’s” Vampire Eric Northman—NORTHMAN, ahem). He’ll tell you that this is essentially Eric’s backstory. So, yes, vampire flick!
GGS 11.38 Christmas in July
Merry Christmas in July! We’ve got a treat for you this year. No standard Christmas fare. Oh, no. We went in a different direction. We gifted (ugh, not too keen on that verb!) ourselves a super-fun non-Christmas film (“Everything Everywhere All at Once”) and a sort-of Christmas flick that was so junky as to be uproarious fun (“Christmas Twister”).
GGS 11.37 Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony
This week we’re officially back on our theme of the 7 Deadly Sins with gluttony: “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”! Artificial intelligence. The environment. Climate. Disaster. Nerds. Daddy issues. Science, bitches. And, yes, pure gluttony. Kinda the perfect movie for Geek Girl Soup!
GGS 11.36 Justice Is Served
Geek Girl Soup is not just a bit disappointed with the recent SCOTUS rulings on all the things. So, for Kelly’s birthday, she chose the theme of Justice is Served. We watched three films and one documentary series in which justice is, yes, served—to our approval: The Innocence Files, My Cousin Vinny, The Rainmaker, and And Justice for All.
GGS 11.35 One & Done 7: Mad Dogs
This week, the Geek Girls (and guy) take a trip to Belize… but not that kind! (Yes, Saul Goodman returns on July 11th, but that’s another podcast!) We’re back on our monthly One-and-Done theme with Amazon Prime’s “Mad Dog’s” (U.S.).
GGS 11.34 Hot Vampire Summer: True Blood
It’s a Hot Vampire Summer—part 1—here at Geek Girl Soup! This week, we rewatched as much of HBO’s “True Blood” as we could fit in. Well, we watched most of seasons 1 through 5 and the series finale.
GGS 11.33 Tribeca at Home
This week we “attended” the 2022 Tribeca at Home film festival. We watched as many shorts, features, documentaries, and narrative films as we could bear.
GGS 11.32 Seven Deadly Sins: Envy
This week at Geek Girl Soup, we’re continuing with our 7 Deadly Sins theme. This time, we’re talking envy with “The Talented Mr. Ripley” (SHO).
GGS 11.31 Guilty Pleasures
Grab your popcorn and settle in as Geek Girl Soup gets extra messy with a deep dive into our favorite guilty pleasures. One person’s trash tv is certainly another’s treasure trove of good times. Amelia and Susan breakdown the list of shows they’ve been watching.
GGS 11.30 One & Done 6: Terriers
What happens when you pair up an alcoholic ex-cop and his best friend who also happens to be a former criminal? You get “Terriers” (Hulu), this month’s entry into Geek Girl Soup’s One and Done series. Airing just 13 episodes in 2010 before being canceled, “Terriers” follows Hank Dolworth (Donal Logue) and Britt Pollack (Michael Raymond-James) as two unlicensed private investigators who take rather extreme license in doing things their way—which is not always exactly the legal way.