GGS 11.12 Sundance Film Festival, Part 1
This week at Geek Girl Soup, we’re discussing what we’ve watched so far at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival. Due to Covid-19 (don’t you just hate that phrase?!), the festival ended up going all online this year.
GGS 11.11 Top 5s of 2021
This week at Geek Girl Soup, we’re sharing our lists of Top 5 movies and shows from 2021 and the top 5 things we’re looking forward to watching 2022.
GGS 11.10 The Rashomon Effect
This week at Geek Girl Soup we’re discussing the Rashomon Effect—that is, when a story is told from different perspectives by different people with different details.
GGS 11.09 One & Done: My So-Called Life
Welcome to our “One & Done” series! On the first week of every month this year, we will get the gang together to discuss a series that was prematurely canceled in or after the first season. We kick off this so-called series with all 19 episodes of 1994’s “My So-Called Life” (Hulu).
GGS 11.08 The Matrix Resurrections
It’s Matrix Week! This week at Geek Girl Soup, we go down several Matrix-Universe rabbit holes with special guest Camille (aka, Kelly’s daughter). We jump right in with a very spoiler-y discussion about the latest post-trilogy film: “The Matrix Resurrections.”
GGS 11.07 Traditional Geeky F’ing Christmas
This week on Geek Girl Soup, we watch a selection of three traditional Christmas movies, a Christmas horror flick, and three new entries to our holiday repertoire: “Die Hard,” “Die Hard 2,” “Elf,” “Dead End,” “8-Bit Christmas,” “Hot Mess Holiday,” and “A Naija Christmas.”
GGS 11.06 International Christmas Extravaganza
God Jul! Joyeux Noël! Glædelig Jul! Jabulela Ukhisimusi! This week on Geek Girl Girl, we celebrated Christmas Around the World! We watched an “old” favorite “Hjem til Jul”/“Home for Christmas” and three new favorites: “Christmas Flow,” “Elves,” and “How to Ruin Christmas”—all on Netflix.
GGS 11.05 La Casa de Tangents
The final episodes of Netflix’s “La Casa de Papel”/“Money Heist” are finally here! Since it came out just two days before we recorded, we had plenty of time to watch lots of other things, too.
GGS 11.04 1950s Creature Features
This week on Geek Girl, we’re talking 1950s Creature Features—plus one from the 1980s, for folks who don’t have Hulu Live: “Rodan” (1956), The Blob” (1958), The Fly” (1958), and “The Fly” (1986).
GGS 11.03 Happy Hanksgiving!
This week we celebrated Hanksgiving by watching lots of Tom Hanks movies/shows/creations. Official homework is “Cast Away” and “Finch.”
GGS 11.02: Happy Soupiversary Part 2
Happy Soupiversary, part 2! In this Very Special Anniversary Podcast, we have chats with Cort, Scot, and Erik about their time on Geek Girl Soup—going back eight years!
GGS 11.01: Happy Soupiversary Part 1
Happy Soupiversary! It’s Geek Girl Soup’s 10th Anniversary, and the original quartet is here in part 1 of our celebration. (Welcome back, Amelia and Chris!)
GGS 10.51: Wrecked Riders
This week on Geek Girl Soup, it’s Susan’s choice with a diametrically opposed movie and TV show: “Riders of Justice” and “Wrecked.”
GGS 10.50: Musicians Who Movie
This week on Geek Girl Soup, our theme is Musicians Who Movie. (Yes, we’re verbing nouns again.) That is, musicians who got into acting. We picked two movies showcasing four musicians: “Palmer” with Justin Timberlake and “Training Day” with Macy Gray, Snoop Dogg, and Dr. Dre.
GGS 10.49: Dune: With Spoilers
In this bonus podcast, Pat (@patman23) jumped into the Geeky soup to have a spoilery chat about Dune (the 2021 and 1984 films and the book).
GGS 10.48: Cort’s Horror
Happy Halloween! As far as Cort is concerned, it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Not that she doesn’t watch horror films all… year… long!
GGS 10.47: Actors Who Music
This week we discuss “actors who music”—that is, actors who are also musicians. There are lots out there, so we sampled three: Awkwafina, Oscar Isaac, and Jada Pinkett Smith. We watched one episode from one show and listened to at least one song from each actor/musician.
GGS 10.46: Start Shutting Up
It’s Teacher Appreciation Day (appreciate teachers every day, you). So, we watched some comedy, action, & drama centered around teachers. Thanks for all you do: AP Bio, The Substitute, Stand & Deliver, The Principal, Lean on Me, Dangerous Minds, Akeelah & the Bee.
GGS 10.44: Whoopi!
This week we didn’t watch The View. Ok, maybe a little to see what Whoopi’s doing now. We caught up on some of her movies/shows we hadn’t seen before or wanted to revisit.